Why smart manufacturing?

Intelligent manufacturing transformation, digital transformation is a development opportunity for industrial enterprises, in the form of enterprise production is simply understood, from the traditional mass production, to the trend of personalized customization, so that the entire production process more flexible, personalized, customized. After the realization of the industrial enterprise will become the enterprise of data, innovation, integration, and continuous rapid change.

Because the enterprise has become "smart", so in the product design concept, marketing concept, consumer experience concept, and service concept, will produce a series of profound changes, so that enterprises in the industry chain competition to gain a competitive advantage, to win the market competition.

In the consumer concept has changed the relationship between customers and enterprises, from a sales relationship "I need this product" to "this product is customized for me"; the design concept from "batch copy " to "flexible customized products", closer to customer needs, but also to create profit margins; marketing concept from the "market customer portrait" to "accurate single individual The marketing concept has changed from "market-oriented customer portrait" to "precise single-individual" operation, because of the support of big data. Service concept, also because of the "intelligent" transformation, become passive to active.

From the above description, we can simply analogize, after the completion of the transformation of industrial enterprises, like modern combat troops, as well as the completion of technology-intensive weaponry, the units collaborate with each other, reconnaissance, communications, command, weapons, supply supporting orderly synergy, the result is: unprecedented expansion of combat space, combat operations without the constraints of weather time, combat command high and low flexible automation. The competition between industrial enterprises, and the competition between the armed forces, the essence is the same, after the completion of the transformation of industrial enterprises and the old traditional industrial enterprises, competition is not at all on a level.

The road of transformation is a systematic project, the impact on the enterprise is also all-round, of course, leading to the transformation of the difficulty is also quite high. Replace the accumulation of equipment, digital pilot, and finally reduced to nothing more than a pile of digital technology, can not bring the real intelligence, as if a certain armed forces assembled a few more intelligent drones, modern single portable missiles only. He must complete the fundamental transformation of the three dimensions of decision-making mode, response speed and customer experience.

The process of transformation is actually the practical process of informationization, automation and intelligence, and the three in one, and the enterprise is on the ground. The three need a comprehensive balance, one cannot be missing, but any one of the three elements is missing, will lead to transformation failure. For a large number of midstream enterprises in the industry chain, time and money are not allowed, more careful thinking, less detours, less mistakes is a victory. What are the common pits in the process of transformation?









